Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jillian Turns 2!

Our girl is 2 years old!!  We had a great party and she loved all the attention!!  She is talking up a storm and has endless energy!  She has loved being in Mother's Day Out this year (even though it took a couple of weeks for her to go into her class without crying) and she is learning so many new things!  She knows can recognize all her letters and knows a lot of the sounds they make.  She knows her right from left, can count to 12, knows some shapes (square, triangle, circle, heart, star), and I think she is finally getting the hang of colors! :)  She loves to sing and dance, especially when we are in the car.  She also LOVES our dog and tortures her on a daily basis trying to get her to play.

We love you Jilly girl!

2 year stats:
Height : 36 inches | 98%
Weight : 26lbs 15oz | 50%

Looking back...

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