Friday, August 29, 2008
Last night Eli attended his first Baylor football game! He was very good on the long car ride down, sleeping until we got about 10 minutes from the stadium. He was awake most of the game and loved watching all the people and being outside. When we got in the car to go home, he started screaming so I got a little worried that we were in for a rough ride, but after about 15 minutes he settled down and went to sleep. I'm so glad the trip went so well. Eli is a true Baylor fan, just like his Daddy! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Playing, Swinging, & Strolling
New discoveries:
Eli LOVES to look at all his toys on his jungle gym thing (not really sure the technical name for it.) In the last picture, he even grabbed one of the toys and was swinging it around!

Eli also likes to swing. As you can see, we have started a bad habit. He loves to sleep in the swing and when he is really fussy at night, we let the swing rescue us. Hopefully we can get him out of this habit before he becomes too attached to it. You can also tell that this newborn outfit is getting too small for him...yes, those are supposed to be pants. :)

Eli only likes going for a walk in the stroller if we are moving. Since he cried before the walk because we hadn't started moving yet and cried at the end of the walk because we stopped moving, I couldn't ever get a good picture. Doesn't he just look pitiful?

Eli LOVES to look at all his toys on his jungle gym thing (not really sure the technical name for it.) In the last picture, he even grabbed one of the toys and was swinging it around!
Eli also likes to swing. As you can see, we have started a bad habit. He loves to sleep in the swing and when he is really fussy at night, we let the swing rescue us. Hopefully we can get him out of this habit before he becomes too attached to it. You can also tell that this newborn outfit is getting too small for him...yes, those are supposed to be pants. :)
Eli only likes going for a walk in the stroller if we are moving. Since he cried before the walk because we hadn't started moving yet and cried at the end of the walk because we stopped moving, I couldn't ever get a good picture. Doesn't he just look pitiful?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
One Month Old!
I can't believe my little boy is one month old already! Time is absolutely FLYING by! I already feel myself getting behind with this blog. Eli has been fussy a lot of the time he is awake so it has been hard to get anything done. As we speek he is peeking at me with one eye from his swing to let me know he isn't really alseep and may want my attention at any moment so I need to be ready. :) Eating is going great! He has even started taking a bottle a day and has no problem switching from nursing to a bottle. We wish sleeping was going as well as feeding. He usually sleeps pretty good once he goes to sleep at night but that isn't usually until 12 or 1am. Here are a few more pictures. As you can see, the brown pants are still a little big around for him but pretty much fit in length.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Birth Story
I realized the other day that most of you haven’t heard Eli’s birth story. I’m sorry this is so long…I tried to keep this short but I could talk all day about it!
Well, on Tuesday July 15th I had one of my weekly doctor appointments. I had been 1cm dilated the week before and now at 37 weeks, I was still only 1cm. Since they had done a sonogram the previous week and figured out Eli was getting big, my doctor decided she would induce me on July 29th (I was due Aug. 4) After this 37 week appt., I had resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn’t go into labor before my induction date and that our baby’s birthday would be July 29th.
On Thursday July 17th I noticed around 6:30pm that I was having what I thought were more Braxton Hicks contractions. They felt just like the ones I had been having so Stephen and I had dinner and went on a walk but I kept an eye on the clock. (Stephen wanted me to be sure to let everyone know that he made Chicken Cordon Bleu that night...he thinks it made me go into labor.) Later that night, I realized that these contractions were different because they didn’t stop. They were very irregular...some were 20 minutes apart, some were 10 minutes apart. At about 12:30am, my mom and sister decided to drive down from Arkansas. Even though we still weren’t sure anything was really going to happen, they didn’t want to miss it. Stephen went to sleep around 1am and I stayed up all night timing everything. The contractions got closer together and lasted longer but still weren’t regular. By 7am, they were coming between 3 minutes and 12 minutes apart and were lasting between 45 seconds and over 1 minute. My doctor was on vacation so I called the on call doctor and she didn’t think I was in labor but told me to go to the hospital and get checked out anyway.
I was very irritated by that but went ahead to the hospital thinking they would send me back home. When I got there I was at 3cm and the doctor said she would let me stay if I went and walked and made any change in an hour. The nurse was WONDERFUL! She checked me again to see if she could help things along because she knew I didn’t want to go home. So, we walked…and walked…and walked! When I came back, I was 4cm!

Well, on Tuesday July 15th I had one of my weekly doctor appointments. I had been 1cm dilated the week before and now at 37 weeks, I was still only 1cm. Since they had done a sonogram the previous week and figured out Eli was getting big, my doctor decided she would induce me on July 29th (I was due Aug. 4) After this 37 week appt., I had resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn’t go into labor before my induction date and that our baby’s birthday would be July 29th.
On Thursday July 17th I noticed around 6:30pm that I was having what I thought were more Braxton Hicks contractions. They felt just like the ones I had been having so Stephen and I had dinner and went on a walk but I kept an eye on the clock. (Stephen wanted me to be sure to let everyone know that he made Chicken Cordon Bleu that night...he thinks it made me go into labor.) Later that night, I realized that these contractions were different because they didn’t stop. They were very irregular...some were 20 minutes apart, some were 10 minutes apart. At about 12:30am, my mom and sister decided to drive down from Arkansas. Even though we still weren’t sure anything was really going to happen, they didn’t want to miss it. Stephen went to sleep around 1am and I stayed up all night timing everything. The contractions got closer together and lasted longer but still weren’t regular. By 7am, they were coming between 3 minutes and 12 minutes apart and were lasting between 45 seconds and over 1 minute. My doctor was on vacation so I called the on call doctor and she didn’t think I was in labor but told me to go to the hospital and get checked out anyway.
I was very irritated by that but went ahead to the hospital thinking they would send me back home. When I got there I was at 3cm and the doctor said she would let me stay if I went and walked and made any change in an hour. The nurse was WONDERFUL! She checked me again to see if she could help things along because she knew I didn’t want to go home. So, we walked…and walked…and walked! When I came back, I was 4cm!
Mom walked with me.
They started the pitocin around 11:30am. The nurse told me I could have the epidural whenever I wanted, but I decided to wait and see how things went. Stephen, my mom, and my sister had lunch while I progressed. The contractions became more intense and the next time the nurse came to check me I was at 6cm! She said the doctor would be in soon to break my water, but just as she said that my water broke! The nurse said if I was going to want the epidural, now would be a good time to get it before the pain got worse and sitting still becomes difficult. I battled with the decision and finally decided to go ahead and get it.A little after 6pm, the nurse said it was time to start pushing. Luckily, I was starting to feel some of the contractions again so I knew when to push. The nurse put a mirror behind the doctor so I could see everything that was happening. It was AMAZING! I was so glad I had gotten the epidural because I was really able to enjoy the whole process and be in the moment.
Elijah Walker Davis was born at 6:42pm weighing 8lbs. 1oz. and measuring 22in. long. Even though he was 2 ½ weeks early he was perfectly healthy. When the doctor put him on my stomach, I thought I saw that he was a boy, but the nurses immediately started rubbing him down with the blankets so it was hard to see anything. Then they took him away for a minute because he hadn’t let out a cry yet. I had to ask, “What is it? What is it?” before the doctor said, “It’s a BOY!!!!” (remember, she wasn’t my doctor.) What an awesome moment! It is crazy to think that all that time he was inside me, he was a BOY! We were so excited. The whole day was perfect and I loved every minute of it. I wouldn’t change a thing and we are so glad our little boy is here! He is a blessing beyond what we could imagine and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us!
Monday, August 4, 2008
2 Weeks and Smiling!
Eli was two weeks old on Friday (I realize I'm a little late with this post but I've been a bit busy!) I can't believe how fast these two weeks have gone by and how much he has changed already! A big part of me wants him to stay just like this forever. He got a great report at the doctor. Although Eli is now 8lbs. 11oz. and the doctor is really happy with the weight he has gained, he is still skinny for his height (50th percentile weight, 80th percentile height.) He is pulling his head up A LOT and has even started smiling! Most say that smiling at this age is just a reflex or involuntary reaction but I'm convinced he knows exactly what he is doing. :)
Big yawn!
Look at my muscles!!
Laying on my tummy.
Playing with Daddy!
These smiling pictures are all of Eli laying on Daddy's tummy looking up at him. Sorry for the blurriness...I was in a hurry to capture the smiles! :)
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